
    Every Marathon & Beyond subscriber is a marathoner and/or ultrarunner who runs or walks several long-distance races a year. Our subscribers range from novices to seasoned veterans and everything in between. M&B is a global publication, with subscribers living in every U.S. state, all provinces of Canada, nearly a dozen European countries, Australia, and New Zealand, as well as places like the Czech Republic, Ecuador, Hong Kong, and Singapore. In general, our readers fit the well-documented demographic profile of runners: they are well educated, are well read, like to travel to races, and invest heavily in their gear.

    Who are M&B Subscribers?

    • On average, our subscribers have been running for 22 years.
    • They run an average of 39 miles per week.
    • They run three marathons and two ultramarathons per year.
    • On average, our subscribers have run 30 marathons and six ultramarathons.
    • 71% of our subscribers keep their issues forever.
    • 68% of our subscribers share their magazine with other runners.
    • 32% of our subscribers are female and 68% are male.
    • The average age of our subscribers is 44.
    • 26% of our subscribers reside in the west, 23% in the east, 26% in the Midwest, and 18% in the south. 7% live outside the United States. 12% live in California.
    • 93% of our subscribers are college graduates, and 50% hold graduate degrees.
    • 33% have household incomes of $51,000 to $100,000, while 52% earn over $100,000.
    • Our subscribers purchase an average of six pairs of running shoes per year.
    • 70% of our subscribers buy their running shoes and apparel at specialty running stores.
    • 41% spend $1,000 to $3,000 per year traveling to long-distance races, while another 16% spend $3,000 to $5,000. 13% of our subscribers spend more than $5,000 per year.


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