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General FAQ (10)
What is Marathon & Beyond?
Marathon & Beyond (M&B) is a bimonthly magazine tailored specifically for marathoners and ultrarunners launched in 1997. It is edited and published by former Runner’s World executive editor Richard Benyo and former FootNotes coeditor and Human Kinetics editor Jan Colarusso Seeley. M&B is published by 42K(+) Press, Inc., based in Champaign, Illinois.
What is M&B’s Mission?
Marathon & Beyond is designed to provide practical advice on running or preparing to run marathons and ultradistances. M&B includes complete training programs; easy-to-apply, cutting- edge scientific information; insightful examinations of the personal side of longer distance running; profiles of major marathons and ultramarathons; and regular columns focusing on specific aspects of running. The magazine also provides readers with a forum for sharing ideas, insights, questions, experiences, and concerns. M&B reaffirms the spirit of community, tradition, and collective experience. Marathoners, ultramarathoners, and those who want to become marathoners or ultramarathoners will enjoy the presentation of the important and useful information contained in each issue.
How is M&B different from Runner’s World?
Runner’s World (a glossy magazine published 12 times a year) includes content for a broad range of runners—from track and field athletes and 5K and 10K athletes to multi-sport athletes and long-distance runners. The magazine covers races of every distance, up to the marathon. It appeals to many novice runners or those competing in shorter events. In Runner’s World you’ll also find product and shoe reviews.
Marathon & Beyond offers focused content: every article in the magazine relates to marathons and ultramarathons—training information, nutrition, race strategies, running history, and so on. You won’t find articles like “10 Ways to a Faster 10K” or “5 Ways to Flatter Abs.” M&B appeals to first-time and veteran long-distance runners. The magazine offers in-depth marathon profiles, complete training programs, exotic destination race accounts, rich historical perspectives, and science you can use. Most articles in other magazines are 3 to 4 pages (500 to 1,500 words); Marathon & Beyond articles run as long as they need to (sometimes 15 or 20 pages).
What is in a typical issue of M&B?
Marathon & Beyond (approx. 200 pages per issue) offers a number of regular features:
- My Most Unforgettable Marathon (or Ultramarathon)— accomplished runners describe their most memorable race and share what they learned
- Marathon Profile—a “soup to nuts” profile: race history, what to expect on the course, what sights to see (and avoid) in the race city, where to stay, course record holders, and additional information about the race
- On the Road—noted running scribes share observations and opinions about long-distance running. Columnists have included Kathrine Switzer, Roger Robinson, Scott Douglas, Joe LeMay, Barry Lewis, Ellen Curtain, Joe Henderson, and the department currently features Don Kardong.
- On the Trail—noted trail runner shares observations and opinions about ultrarunning
- On the Mark—our panel of experts answers readers’ running questions
- In addition to our regular departments and columns, you will find at least a dozen full-length feature stories in each issue.
- About once per year an issue will contain a special section—a cluster of articles on one particular topic. Past special sections have covered such topics as Death Valley, The Search for the Perfect Marathon, Western States 100, Masters Running, Sports Medicine, and the Antarctica Marathon.
What won’t you find in M&B?
You won’t find reviews of shoes, apparel, or equipment; lists of upcoming races or race reports. Not because we don’t think such material is important, but because other magazines and many Internet sites do a fine job of providing this material. Because M&B focuses on long-distance running, you won’t have to wade through pages and pages of articles for casual runners before you find a juicy morsel for marathoners and ultrarunners. It’s our goal to go beyond what other running magazines are doing, to give you extensive coverage of topics that are unique to long-distance running.
Who writes for M&B?
All the writers in M&B are runners (some also happen to be professional journalists), coaches, or scientists. Members of M&B’s science advisory board—some of the top researchers in the world in the science of running—are frequent contributors. Our writers have included a former Olympic marathoner, an elder statesman of the Boston Marathon, and may others who know the rewards and challenges of long-distance running.
Can you subscribe to M&B via your Web site?
Yes, you can subscribe to M&B via our Web site. You can also order M&B gear, back issues, and books through the site.
Can you get M&B at the bookstores or your local running store?
Marathon & Beyond is available in bookstores and running stores across the country. If your local bookstore or running store isn’t carrying the magazine, ask them to contact us at (toll-free) 877/972-4230.
Why doesn’t M&B look like a magazine?
Many people are surprised the first time they see M&B because it doesn’t look like a typical magazine. Marathon & Beyond looks like a book but reads like a magazine and is a magazine. We wanted the magazine to be sturdy and have shelf presence, like a paperback book that you’ll want to add to your running library and refer to again and again. Time after time, our readers tell us that M&B is a “read and save” not a “read and throw away” magazine. M&B will inspire you to run longer, better, smarter.
How much is a subscription to M&B?
- A one-year print subscription (six issues) is $36.95 U.S., $57 Foreign, and $54.60 Cnd. (includes 5% GST).
- A two-year print subscription (12 issues) is $69 U.S.; $109 Foreign; and $107.10 Cnd. (includes 5% GST).
- A three-year print subscription (18 issues) is $101 U.S.; $161 Foreign; $160.65 Cnd. (includes 5% GST).
- We also offer digital subscriptions for $32.95 (1 year), $61 (2 years), and $90 (3 years), regardless of where you live.
- We offer an Early Bird renewal special, as well as a new subscriber incentive program.
- Back issues of M&B cost $6.00, any six for $30, plus shipping.
Call (217) 359-9345, (toll-free) 877/972-4230, or order your subscription online.